Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Review: How To Evaluate A Suitor

How To Evaluate a Suitor is a CD featuring a presentation by Doug Phillips, founder of Vision Forum Ministries, on helping a father properly evaluate a man interested in marriage to his daughter.

468932: How to Evaluate a Suitor                    - Audiobook on CDHow to Evaluate a Suitor - Audiobook on CD

What a wonderful CD for parents like me and my husband who grew up thinking that dating was the only option for finding a life partner but who now realize there is a better way: God's way. Combining biblical directives with practical wisdom, Doug Phillips gives a wonderful vision for the godly way to the marriage altar. This is one we will listen to again and again.

Click below to hear a sample of the message.

How To Evaluate A Suitor

Review: Ken Ham Creation Science DVD

Since my 9-year old son began listening to the Jonathan Park series of creation science audio dramas, he has become more interested in and knowledgeable about all aspects of God's wonderful creation.

Ken Ham's DVD, "Top Ten Questions About Genesis and Creation", produced by Vision Forum, has helped to stoke his interest even more. I found myself quite curious as to what the top questions would be from a man who for many years has been in the forefront of speaking on behalf of our Mighty Creator and His all-encompassing role in our Universe.

Some questions were somewhat predictable ("How did Noah get all of the animals on the Ark?") but others were a little surprising. One of the surprises for me was "Where did Cain get his wife?" which Ham stated was one of the most frequent questions he has received over the years. I always assumed that he married a sibling and that is exactly what Ham discusses.

Questions about the origin of races, carbon dating and the global flood were all very interesting and informative.

This video presentation of a conference lecture could be an excellent springboard to spark discussions, reading and research in your homeschool on relevant topics in creation science thus preparing you and your children to defend the biblical worldview of creation and the history of mankind.

Visit to get your copy today!