Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Philanthropists for Homeschooling?

Unfortunately, at this time, it seems that philanthropists are very slow to support the homeschooling movement.

This is despite the near-constant cry from corporate America that the public schools are not preparing productive employees for them.

Why do these corporations them continue to pour millions into public school but shun funding homeschooling efforts?

Hopefully, they will come to their senses soon. Homeschoolers deserve charitable support. We are contributing to a better future for America!

Click here for the article on charitable funding of homeschoolers.


  1. You really DON'T want the strings that would come attached to any philanthropic money. Freedom is much more valuable than a few bucks from Walmart.

  2. You know, my husband said the same thing when he read the article. You make a very good point. Any monies accepted by homeschool groups would need to clearly be string-free. I do not know how realistic that is.

  3. I agree Daryl.

