Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Benefits Of A Homeschool Co-Op

Yesterday was the final day of our homeschool co-op, Deuteronomy 6, for this session. We will come back together in January. I will miss everyone that I may not see until then, although we do keep in touch through our e-mail group. Today, I am feeling a bit sentimental so I wanted to share some reasons why you might want to consider a co-op as part of your homeschooling strategy:

1. Co-ops can allow kids to explore their interests.
2. Co-ops give your children a chance to form friendships.
3. Co-ops allow moms time to fellowship and encourage one another.
4. Co-ops are great for sharing resources and talents in the homeschool community.
5. Co-ops allow moms to grown in their strengths as they teach and develop classes.

As I reflect on my not-so-comprehensive list, I realize that perhaps what I like most about homeschool co-ops is that they are great opportunities with benefits for both moms and kids. Our co-op is another way that me and my children learn and grow together. I am grateful that God has given us our co-op!

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your list of the benefits of homeschool co-ops. It pretty much mirrors the benefits I listed in my book, Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out.

    I also added that children can learn how to be instructed by another adult. My dds have had great teachers and mentors from our co-op.

    Also co-ops provide an opportunity for some classes best taught in a larger group like choir, drama, group games, gym and speech and debate class.

    I'm so happy that you have a great co-op. Thanks for sharing the positive side!

    Carol Topp, CPA
    Author of Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out

